Neighborhoods Committee Co-Chairs
Anita Morrison, Community Co-Chair
Alan Bowser, Silver Spring Citizens Advisory Board Co-Chair
Summary. In the period 2007-2008, the Neighborhoods Committee of the Silver Spring Citizens Advisory discussed a range of issues of importance to the Silver Spring community, including public safety, environmental protection, historic preservation, affordable housing, education, health care, senior and aging issues, homelessness, immigration, and County budget priorities. The Committee also gave special consideration to the Northwest Park/Oakview, Long Branch, South Silver Spring, and Takoma Park/Langley Park neighborhoods.
The Neighborhoods Committee wants to extend its appreciation to the many individuals who have supported its work over the past year, including Silver Spring Citizens Advisory Board members Alan Bowser, Darian Unger, Debbie Linn, Evan Glass, Fran Rothstein, Jerry Yokoyama, Lucinda Lessley, Mark Woodard, Megan Moriarty, and Vic Weissberg.
We also want to express our very special appreciation to Anita Morrison who continued her service to the Silver Spring Community as co-Chair of the Neighborhoods Committee.
We also want to give special recognition to the professional staff of the Silver Spring Regional Center for their support during the 2007-2008 Committee year. Thanks to Gary Stith, Director, Mel Tull, and Karen Ashby for their valuable assistance.
Summary of Neighborhoods Committee Meetings 2007-2008
June 16, 2008 7:00 pm – Silver Spring Regional Services Center
June Public Safety Update. Lt. Eric Burnett, 3rd District, MCPD, briefed the Committee on recent public safety developments in Silver Spring.
Report on the Weed & Seed Program. Alan Bowser, on behalf of Martha Waddy, presented a report on recent developments related to the Northwest Park Oakview Weed & Seed program.
The New Silver Spring Library: Next Steps. Kathlin Smith, Becky Reeve and Linda Siegenthaler briefed the Committee on the plans and the discussions that had taken place with regard to a new Silver Spring Library to be located at the corner of Wayne Avenue and Fenton Street.
Historic Preservation Update. Mary Reardon, Silver Spring Historical Society, reported that the Montgomery County Planning Board will consider historic designation of the Falklands Apartment at a meeting to be held on July 10th.
May 19, 2008 7:00 pm – Silver Spring Regional Services Center
May Public Safety Update. Commander Don Johnson, 3rd District, MCPD, briefed the Committee on recent public safety developments in Silver Spring.
Report on the Weed & Seed Program. Martha Waddy, a member of the Weed and Seed Steering Committee, presented a report on recent developments related to the Northwest Park Oakview Weed & Seed program.
Mary Center’s Opening Silver Spring. Alan Bowser said that he represented the Advisory Board at the recent opening of the Mary’s Center in the Long Branch area of Silver Spring.
Report on the Health Needs in Silver Spring. Dr. Richard Helfrich, Deputy Health Officer, Department of Health and Human Services briefed the Committee on changing health needs in Montgomery County.
The Chelsea School. Dr. Anthony Messina, Head of School, briefed the Committee on proposed development plans for the Chelsea School.
Historic Preservation Update. George French, Silver Spring Historical Society, and Mel Tull, Silver Spring Regional Center, exhibited the new Heritage Tourism signs that will be erected on Georgia Avenue during summer 2008.
April 21, 2008 7:00 pm – Silver Spring Regional Services Center
April Public Safety Update. Lt. Eric Burnett, 3rd District, MCPD, briefed the Committee on recent public safety developments in Silver Spring.
Report on the Weed & Seed Program. Martha Waddy, a member of the Weed and Seed Steering Committee, presented a report on recent developments related to the Northwest Park Oakview Weed & Seed program.
Report on the Anacostia Watershed. Robert Boone, President of the Anacostia Watershed Society, briefed the Committee on Montgomery County’s impact on the health of the Anacostia River.
Foreclosures and Abandoned Property in Silver Spring and Montgomery County. Myriam Torrico, Department of Housing and Community Affairs, briefed the Committee on issues regarding foreclosures and abandoned property in Silver Spring and Montgomery County.
Eric Friedman, Director, Office of Consumer Protection, discussed the magnitude of foreclosures in Montgomery County and their relationship to the subprime mortgage problems.
Kevin Martell, DHCA Code Enforcement discussed how neighbors should report on abandoned properties in their neighborhoods.
March 17, 2008 7:00 pm – Silver Spring Regional Services Center
March Public Safety Update. Lt. Eric Burnett, 3rd District, MCPD, briefed the Committee on recent public safety developments in Silver Spring.
Report on the Weed & Seed Program. Martha Waddy, a member of the Weed and Seed Steering Committee, reported on recent developments related to the Northwest Park Oakview Weed & Seed program.
Briefing on Water and Sewerage Rate Increase. Rudy Chow and Jim Neustadt, Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission, using a Powerpoint presentation, discussed the problems of failing water and sewerage infrastructure, the Commission’s medium and long-term strategy for infrastructure replacement, and proposed water and sewerage rates increases.
Historic Preservation Update. Alan Bowser briefed the Committee on recent historic preservation issues, including the B&O Railroad Station Open House, and an upcoming Planning Board session on the Perpetual Building.
Charlotte Coffield reported on the successful Lytttonsville Community Black History Month exhibit at the Gwendolyn Coffield Center.
February 21, 2008 7:00 pm – Silver Spring Regional Services Center
February Public Safety Update. Lt. Eric Burnett, 3rd District, MCPD, briefed the Committee on recent public safety developments in Silver Spring.
Report on the Weed & Seed Program. Martha Waddy reported on recent developments related to the Northwest Park Oakview Weed & Seed program.
Report on the Long Branch Advisory Committee. Anita Morrison reported on the final report of the Long Branch Advisory Committee, which was sunsetting per County legislation.
Report on the North Four Corners Park. Jim Zepp, North Four Corners Civic Association, briefed the committee on developments related to the North Four Corners Park.
Recycling in Montgomery County. Rick Dimont, Project Manager, Division of Solid Waste Services, Montgomery County Department of Public Works and Transportation presented information on Montgomery County’s recycling program.
Historic Preservation Update. Marcie Stickle and Mary Reardon discussed the Black History Month recognition of the Lyttonsville community in western Silver Spring.
January 23, 2008 – 7:00 pm – Silver Spring Regional Services Center
January Public Safety Update. Cdr. Don Johnson and Lt. Eric Burnett, 3rd District, MCPD, briefed the Committee on recent public safety developments in Silver Spring.
Strategic Planning – Silver Spring Citizens Advisory Board. Lucinda Lessley and Vic Weissberg of the Board’s Strategic Planning working group discussed the process to solicit the comments and suggestions from the Board’s committees about strategic planning objectives and Board outreach.
FY09 Operating Budget. In advance of submission of the County Executive’s FY09 Operating Budget, Committee members made several suggestions for inclusion, with a focus on Silver Spring.
The Purple Line and Neighborhoods. Erin Johansson, Seven Oaks Evanswood Citizens Association/Silver Spring Advocates, Webb Smedley, Woodside Civic Association, Tony Hausner, Indian Spring Civic Association, Ted Power, Purple Line Functional Master Plan Advisory Committee, George French, Silver Spring Historical Society, Wayne Phyillaier, Woodside Civic Association, Jon Elkind, Seven Oaks Evanswood Citizens Association/Silver Spring Advocates, and Megan Moriarty, Silver Spring Citizens Advisory Board presented information on Purple Line issues affecting their neighbors and neighborhoods.
December 17, 2007 – 7:00 pm – Silver Spring Regional Services Center
The Purple Line and Neighborhoods. Karen Roper (ESSCA), Charlotte Coffield (Lyttonsville), Chris Richardson (Park Hills), and Kathleen Samiy (Seven Oaks Evanswood), and Rose Polyakova (Sligo Branview) made presentations about their neighborhood’s concerns about the various Purple Line modes and alignments.
Historic Preservation Update. Mary Reardon briefed the Committee on upcoming historical preservation public meetings and events.
November 19, 2007 – 7:00 pm – Silver Spring Regional Services Center
November Public Safety Update. 3rd District Lt. Steve Auger, MCPD, briefed the Committee on recent public safety developments in Silver Spring.
Northwest Park-Oakview Weed and Seed Program. Martha Waddy briefed the Committee on recent NPOW Weed & Seed Program developments.
Community Arts Mural. Gretchen Hilburger, CSAFE, briefed the Committee on progress regarding the community arts mural to be located at the corner of Piney Branch Road and New Hampshire Avenue.
Broad Acres Park Renovation Update. Tricia McManus and Marian Elsasser, M-NCPPC, briefed the Committee on the plans to renovate the Broad Acres Park.
After School and Recreation Program Funding. Joy Peters, Montgomery County Department of Recreation, briefed the Committee on funding issues related to several County supported afterschool programs in the Silver Spring Region.
Northwest Park Oakview Weed & Seed Nuisance Abatement Program. Victor Salazar, Site Coordinator, NPOV Weed & Seed Program, briefed the Committee on an innovative partnership between the community and Montgomery County officials to reduce code violations in the Oakview neighborhood.
Historic Preservation Update. Mary Reardon, Silver Spring Historical Society, reviewed the Silver Spring Citizens Advisory Board’s support of historic protection for the Falkland Apartments.
Marcie Stickle, Silver Spring Historical Society, provided an update on the schedule for the Planning Board’s consideration of historical protection for the Perpetual Building on Georgia Avenue at Cameron Street.
October 15, 2007 – 7:00 pm – Silver Spring Regional Services Center
October Public Safety Update. 3rd District Lt. Steve Auger, MCPD, briefed the Committee on recent public safety developments in Silver Spring.
Northwest Park/Oakview Weed & Seed Program Update. Martha Waddy briefed the Committee on recent developments regarding the Weed & Seed Program. She highlighted two events:
Long Branch Streetscape Update. Cynthia Butler, DHCA briefed the Committee on the planned renovation of the sidewalks along the north side of Arliss Street, in the Long Branch area of Silver Spring.
The Deer Issue in Silver Spring. Rob Gibbs, Natural Resources Manager for Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission, and Chair of the Montgomery County Deer Management Workgroup, described the County’s deer management program.
The Train Noise Issue. Adam Pagnucco of the Forest Estates Community Association spoke to the Committee about the train horn noise at the Linden Lane railroad crossing (near Forest Glen Road).
Process: Historic Designation in Montgomery County. Mary Reardon, Silver Spring Historical Society summarized the process for “historic designation” in Montgomery County.
Falkland Apartments: Recap and Update. Mary Reardon, Silver Spring Historical Society, briefed the Committee on developments regarding a proposed large size apartment development near the corner of East West Highway and 16th Street.
Perpetual Building. Marcie Stickle, Silver Spring Historical Society Advocacy Chair, briefed the Committee on developments regarding the Perpetual Building located at the corner of Georgia Avenue and Cameron Street.
Lyttonsville and Samuel Lytton Historic Designation. Charlotte Coffield, Lyttonsville Civic Association, briefed the Committee on the history of the Lyttonsville community and its founder, Samuel Lytton, and the community’s efforts to achieve official recognition of its early role in the economic development, growth and civic life of Silver Spring and Montgomery County.
Weed and Seed Program Update. Victor Salazar and Martha Waddy provided a summary of Northwest Park Oakview Weed & Seed Program developments.
September 17, 2007 – 7:00 pm – Silver Spring Regional Services Center
Elnora Harvey Appreciation. With a moment of silence, the Committee remembered the life and service of Neighborhoods Committee member and former Chair of the Silver Spring Citizens Advisory Board, Elnora Harvey, who died on September 13, 2007.
September Public Safety Update. 3rd District Commander Don Johnson, MCPD, briefed the Committee on recent public safety developments in Silver Spring.
Gangs and Gang Activity in Silver Spring and Montgomery County. Officer Cory Brodzinski, MCPD briefed the Committee on gangs and gang activity in Silver Spring and Montgomery County.
Long Branch Business League. Joe Rodriquez, Vice President of the Long Branch Business League and owner of the Americana Grocery, briefed the Committee on the League’s efforts to promote business and develop community in the Long Branch area.
Birchmere Update. Alan Bowser briefed the Committee about recent developments concerning the planned development of an entertainment venue on Colesville Road.
Other Business. The Committee approved a Resolution recognizing the community service of the late Elnora Harvey, a member of the Committee and former Chair of the Silver Spring Citizens Advisory Board, who died on September 13, 2007.
The Committee approved a letter of appreciation for local Silver Spring farmer, Charles Koiner, in recognition of his 50th anniversary of participation in the Montgomery County Agricultural Fair, and his impressive showing of first prizes for his fruits and vegetables.
Weed and Seed Program Update. Victor Salazar and Martha Waddy provided a summary of Northwest Park Oakview Weed & Seed Program developments.
July 16, 2007 – 7:00 pm – Silver Spring Regional Center
July Public Safety Update. 3rd District Commander Don Johnson, MCPD, briefed the Committee on recent public safety developments in Silver Spring.
Northwest Park Weed & Seed Program. Victor Salazar, Site Coordinator, Northwest Park/Oakview Weed & Seed Program, briefed the Committee on the following elements of the Weed and Seed Program.
Report from Neighborhood Associations. The Committee was briefed on community developments in the Northwest Park Oakview Weed & Seed neighborhoods by officials of three civic associations. Emie Cadet, President, Northwest Park Civic Association,
Luther Hinsley, President, Avery Park Apartments Tenants Association, and
Lisa Arrington, President, Hamptons Homeowners Association discussed issues of concern to their neighborhoods.
June 18, 2007 – 7:00 pm – Silver Spring Regional Center
June Public Safety Update. Lt. Steve Auger, MCPD, briefed the Committee on recent public safety developments in Silver Spring.
Northwest Park/Oakview Weed & Seed Program. Martha Waddy reported on developments with the Northwest Park Oakview Weed and Seed program.
Nolte Park – Update and Next Steps. Mary Bradford, Director of Parks, MNCPPC, discussed the tentative conclusions of her investigation into the use of contaminated soil in the Nolte Park field renovation project.
Silver Spring Sanitary Sewage Overflow – Impact on Parks. Jim Neustadt, Communications Director of the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission (WSSC) briefed the Committee on a recent sanitary sewage overflow on Second Avenue in Silver Spring.
Old Blair Auditorium. Stuart Moore, President, Old Blair Auditorium Project, briefed the Committee on developments regarding the Old Blair Auditorium.
Silver Spring Civic Building and Veterans Plaza Update. Alan Bowser briefed the Committee on the recent developments regarding the Civic Building and Veterans Plaza.
Silver Spring Parking Meter Issue. At the request of Marcie Stickle, the Committee noted a County Government plan to change parking meter policies in Silver Spring.
In the year 2007-2008, more than one hundred individuals participated in the monthly meetings of the Silver Spring Citizens Advisory Board Neighborhood Committee. We thank the following for their support and participation.
Adam Pagnuco, Forest Glen Civic Association
Art Cobb
Becky Reeve, Friends of the Library
Ben Stutz, Office of Montgomery County Councilmember Valerie Ervin
Bob Britt
Bob Colvin, East Silver Spring Citizens Association
Byron Peck, City Arts
Caleb Kriesberg, Purple Line Functional Master Plan Advisory Committee
Calvin Farr, Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission
Caren Madsen, Montgomery County Civic Federation
Charlotte Coffield, Lyttonsville Civic Association
Chris Richardson, Park Hills Civic Association, Purple Line Functional Master Plan Advisory Committee
Commander Don Johnson, Montgomery County Police Department
Cynthia Butler, Montgomery County Department of Housing and Community Affairs;
Rob Gibbs, Montgomery County Department of Parks
Cynthia Lundy, Department of Housing and Community Affairs
Daniel Beavin, Silver Spring Library
Don Slater, Park Hills Civic Association, Silver Spring Advocates
Dr. Richard Helfrich, Montgomery Department of Health and Human Services
Ed Kenny, Long Branch Advisory Committee
Elmoria Stewart, Lyttonsville Civic Association
Elnatan Reisner
Emie Cadet, Northwest Park Civic Association
Eric Friedman, Director, Montgomery County Office of Consumer Protection
Erin Johansson, Seven Oaks Evanswood Civic Association, Silver Spring Advocates
Frankie Blackburn, Impact Silver Spring
George French, Silver Spring Historical Society
Gretchen Hilburger, CSAFE/NPOV Weed & Seed
James Riley, Park Hills Civic Association
Jeff Trask, North Woodside – Montgomery Hills Civic Association
Jennifer Deseo, Silver Spring Penguin
Jennifer Nettles, Downtown Silver Spring
Jim Neustadt, Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission
Jim Zepp, North Four Corners Civic Association
Joe Rodriquez, Long Branch Business League
Jon Elkind; Seven Oaks Evanswood Civic Association, Silver Spring Advocates
Jon Lourie, Silver Spring Urban District Advisory Board
Joy Peters, Montgomery County Recreation Department
Juan A. Casanas
Jura Siegenthaler, American University
Karen Roper, East Silver Spring Citizens Association, Purple Line Functional Master Plan Advisory Committee
Kathleen Samiy, Seven Oaks Evanswood Citizens Association
Kathlin Smith, Community for a New Silver Spring Library
Kevin Martell, Department of Housing and Community Affairs
Kevin Sullivan, Montgomery County Police Department
Kira Calm Lewis, Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission
Laurie Yankowsky, Downtown Silver Spring
Leslie Hatch, Montgomery County Board of Elections
Lianna Levine Reisner, Impact Silver Spring
Linda Siegenthaler, Community for a New Silver Spring Library & Silver Spring Library Advisory Committee
Lisa Arrington, Hamptons Homeowners Association
Lisa Bontempo; Woodside Civic Association
Lisa Dubay, The Johns Hopkins University School of Public Health
Lolly Vann, Woodside Forest
Lt. Eric Burnett, Montgomery County Police Department
Lt. Steve Auger, Montgomery County Police Department
Luther Hinsley, Avery Park Apartments Community Association
Lynn Hughes
Marcie Stickle, Silver Spring Historical Society
Marian Elsasser, Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission
Martha Waddy, New Hampshire Estates Civic Association
Mary Bradford, Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission
Mary Lesar
Mary Reardon, Silver Spring Historical Society
Monica Buitrago; Impact Silver Spring
Myriam Torrico, Montgomery County Department of Housing and Community Services;
Ofc. Cory Brodzinski, Montgomery County Police Department
Rich Swanson, Woodside Forest Civic Association
Rick Dimont, Montgomery County Department of Public Works and Transportation
Robert Boone, President, Anacostia Watershed Society
Robert Jepson, Washington Adventist Hospital
Rose Polyakova, Sligo Branview Community Association
Roylene Roberts, Department of Housing and Community Affairs
Rudy Chow, Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission
Rukiyat Gilbert; Southern Management Company
Sally Gagne, Friends of Sligo Creek
Sandy O’Hara, Montgomery County Public Schools, NPOV Weed & Seed
Sgt. Kevin Sullivan, Montgomery County Police Department
Stuart Moore, Old Blair Auditorium Project
Susan Andrea, Seven Oaks Evanswood Citizens Association
Tamar Hendel
Ted Power; Purple Line Functional Master Plan Advisory Committee
Tony Hausner; Indian Spring Civic Association
Tony Messina, The Chelsea School
Tricia McManus, Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission
Vern McLendon, Silver Spring Recreation Advisory Board
Victor Salazar, Northwest Park–Oakview Weed & Seed Program
Wajeda Rab, Montgomery County Dept. of Housing and Community Affairs
Wayne Goldstein, President, Montgomery County Civic Federation.
Wayne Phyillaier, Woodside Park Civic Association
Webb Smedley, Woodside Park Civic Association
Winta Teferi, Impact Silver Spring
Sunday, July 6, 2008
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