Sunday, April 18, 2010

A New Library for Silver Spring Is On the Way

For design details, including beautiful pictures and floor plans, visit the County’s web-site at:

Plans for the New Library

► It will be about 63,000 square feet—three times larger than the current library!
► It will be centrally located adjacent to the new Downtown Silver Spring and across from the Wayne Avenue Parking Garage.
► It will include an expanded circulating collection, more computers, more study and meeting space, and an expanded children’s section and activity space.
► A countywide disability resource center with expanded services for disabled county residents will be housed in the new library.
► More services for foreign language and immigrant residents, and more services for businesses will be available.

What’s Happening Now?

► The County has acquired the land at the site—the southwest corner of Fenton Street and Wayne Avenue and has started clearing the old buildings.
► Funds for the facility are in the current County Executive’s Capital Improvement Program budget.
► Groundbreaking for the new Library facility will be this summer.

Mixed-Use Concept

The building housing the new library will face Wayne Avenue and Fenton Street. It will be a joint use project that includes:

► A Purple Line Station running through the site from Bonifant Street to the intersection of Wayne Avenue and Fenton Street
► Ground floor retail space
► An Arts Center on the ground and first floors
► The Library occupying the third, fourth, and fifth floors
► County office space on the sixth floor.

Sharing the site facing Bonifant Street will be a residential building with approximately 160 apartment units. Parking for the Library facility will be provided across the street in the Wayne Avenue Garage.


Friends of the Library and Silver Spring Library Advisory Committee,
Kathlyn Smith, Chair

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